AOM-2721 LE GA 1.1 Yocto 4.0 GA Release

What’s new:
Kernel Version 6.6.28
AOM-2721 A1 Function Test Pass

(1) [Tool] Add the vim and dialog tool
(2) [M.2 Key E/B] Update the camera dtb patch to fix pcie key E and B can’t work issue
(3) [System] Fix some commands can’t work on the Wayland terminal issue
(4) [System] Add the fstab file to fix rootfs Read-only file system issue
(5) [System] Add the kernel patch of CONFIG_SYSVIPC for the share memory sysv and POSIX mmap by IPC
(6) [System] Fix kernel error and warning issue. (The log msg of “could not get #gpio-cells for /soc@0/interrupt-controller@17a00000”)(The kernel error of “sysfs: cannot create duplicate filename ‘/bus/platform/devices/1fc0000.syscon’”)
(7) [WIFI] Update the board.bin of AIW-170BQ to fix the WIFI card can’t connect to WIFI AP issue
(8) [DISPLAY] Change timeout stop second to 5s to avoid waiting long time when rebooting
(9) [Audio] Set the default audio to HDMI only.
(10)[Storage] Add the mtdblock kernel module load
(11)[System] Change the DEFAULT_ENFORCING to permissive for the SELinux
(12)[System] Remove the overlayfs method and add the var-persist-mount method
(13)[SPI] Don’t support the SPI1 CS1 and SPI2 CS1 by default
(14)[System] Correct ADSP_LIBRARY_PATH and Gst modules to fix AI can’t run issue for the QIRP images
(15)[Sensor] Fix the Unknown key name ‘StartLimitIntervalSec’ issue for the sensor-service.service
(16)[System] Add the qcs6490aom2721a1 to hostname and hosts files
(17)[EMMC] modify the emmc system partition size to 115G
(18) [UFS] Modify the ufs system partition size to 100G
(19) [UFS] Set the driving strength of UFS_REF_CLK to 0x8 for the DVT2 board.
(20) [UFS] Change the NumGears of ufs from 3 to 4
(21) [Storage] Add the resize method of rootfs system

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