Confirm to work about EWM-W180H01E on Debian10 with RSB-3710

I would like to use Wi-Fi module on Debian10 with RSB-3710.
Could you check confirm to work about EWM-W180H01E on Debian10 with RSB-3710?

The OS image I use is here.


I would like to use Wi-Fi module (USB dongle type is better) and I found the Wi-Fi module by Advantech.
But I cannot find the information about confirm to work EWM-W180H01E with RSB-3710 especially Debian10 image.
So I would like you to check the confirm to work with these combination before purchasing it.


HW: Check that the EWM-W180 is a mini PCIe USB interface, so the RSB-3710 HW should be supported.
SW: Check with the AIW team there is SW provide by the Realtek that should support it.

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