I am trying to proceed with the setup of the EPC-R7200 with reference to the following site.
EPC-R7200 ユーザーガイド - ESS-ウィキ (advantech.com.tw)
The environment I am using is as follows.
Host PC
Ubuntu 18.04.6LTS
Nvidia SDK Manager 1.9.1
Memory 15.5GiB
GPU Gforce RTX 3050 Laptop
Target Board
Jetson Xavier NX 8GB
Carrier Board
I have a basic question, please tell me.
Where can I find the image files for the Linux Flash eMMC Method?
I also went to the following page and downloaded 2022-07-06.zip from DropBox but could not find the .tar.gz file.
IoTGateway/BSP/Linux/OS Support List Jetpack 4.5.1 L4T R32.5.1 - ESS-WIKI (advantech.com.tw)
Also, is it safe to do this with the target board connected during this process?
Thanks for reading to the end.