Hi @Hideo_Nakajima , sorry to late reply.
Since my memory is a bit unclear, please feel free to fix any mistakes.
I primarily built it based on the information from the following links:
In my environment, I added the following to local.conf
and bblayers.conf
. The working directory is set to /home/adv/adv-release-bsp/build_ros
hostname:pn-base-files = “imx-robot-foxy”
IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " \
ros-core \
clblast \
libeigen \
spdlog \
demo-nodes-cpp \
demo-nodes-cpp-rosnative \
demo-nodes-py \
cyclonedds \
ROS_WORLD_SKIP_GROUPS = " opengl qt5 qt5-widgets pyqt5 qt6 qt6-widgets pyqt6 qt-gui-cpp x11 ffmpeg webots-python-modules java libomp connext gazebo \
coinor-libipopt gurumdds ignition doosan-robot2 clang launch pugixml lanelet2-traffic-rules mongodb kobuki-ftdi ros1 renderdoc rqt-runtime-monitor spacenav wiimote \
rclcpp \
std-msgs \
geometry-msgs \
tf2-geometry-msgs \
cv-bridge \
image-common \
image-transport \
tf2-ros \
sensor-msgs \
foonathan-memory-staticdev \
foonathan-memory-vendor \
libstdc++-staticdev \
libgcc-dev \
libyaml-vendor \
ament-cmake-auto \
ament-cmake-core \
ament-cmake-export-definitions \
ament-cmake-export-dependencies \
ament-cmake-export-include-directories \
ament-cmake-export-interfaces \
ament-cmake-export-libraries \
ament-cmake-export-link-flags \
ament-cmake-export-targets \
ament-cmake-gmock \
ament-cmake-gtest \
ament-cmake-include-directories \
ament-cmake-libraries \
ament-cmake \
ament-cmake-pytest \
ament-cmake-python \
ament-cmake-ros \
ament-cmake-target-dependencies \
ament-cmake-test \
ament-cmake-version \
ament-cmake-flake8 \
ament-cmake-pep257 \
ament-copyright \
ament-cpplint \
ament-flake8 \
ament-index-python \
ament-lint-cmake \
ament-lint-auto \
ament-package \
ament-pclint \
ament-pep257 \
ament-pycodestyle \
ament-pyflakes \
ament-xmllint \
cmake \
eigen3-cmake-module \
fastcdr \
fastrtps-cmake-module \
fastrtps \
python-cmake-module \
python3-numpy \
python3-catkin-pkg \
python3-empy \
python3 \
python3-pytest \
rcutils \
rmw \
rmw-cyclonedds-cpp \
rmw-dds-common \
rmw-fastrtps-cpp \
rmw-fastrtps-dynamic-cpp \
rmw-fastrtps-shared-cpp \
rmw-implementation \
rmw-implementation-cmake \
rosidl-cmake \
rosidl-default-generators \
rosidl-generator-c \
rosidl-generator-cpp \
rosidl-generator-dds-idl \
rosidl-generator-py \
rosidl-parser \
rosidl-runtime-c \
rosidl-runtime-cpp \
rosidl-typesupport-c \
rosidl-typesupport-cpp \
rosidl-typesupport-fastrtps-cpp \
rosidl-typesupport-interface \
rosidl-typesupport-introspection-c \
rosidl-typesupport-introspection-cpp \
nativesdk-ament-cmake-auto \
nativesdk-ament-cmake-core \
nativesdk-ament-cmake-export-definitions \
nativesdk-ament-cmake-export-dependencies \
nativesdk-ament-cmake-export-include-directories \
nativesdk-ament-cmake-export-interfaces \
nativesdk-ament-cmake-export-libraries \
nativesdk-ament-cmake-export-link-flags \
nativesdk-ament-cmake-export-targets \
nativesdk-ament-cmake-gmock \
nativesdk-ament-cmake-gtest \
nativesdk-ament-cmake-include-directories \
nativesdk-ament-cmake-libraries \
nativesdk-ament-cmake \
nativesdk-ament-cmake-pytest \
nativesdk-ament-cmake-python \
nativesdk-ament-cmake-ros \
nativesdk-ament-cmake-target-dependencies \
nativesdk-ament-cmake-test \
nativesdk-ament-cmake-version \
nativesdk-ament-copyright \
nativesdk-ament-cpplint \
nativesdk-ament-index-python \
nativesdk-ament-lint-cmake \
nativesdk-ament-package \
nativesdk-ament-pclint \
nativesdk-ament-pycodestyle \
nativesdk-ament-pyflakes \
nativesdk-ament-xmllint \
nativesdk-rmw \
nativesdk-rosidl-cmake \
nativesdk-rosidl-default-generators \
nativesdk-rosidl-generator-c \
nativesdk-rosidl-generator-cpp \
nativesdk-rosidl-generator-dds-idl \
nativesdk-rosidl-generator-py \
nativesdk-rosidl-parser \
nativesdk-rosidl-runtime-c \
nativesdk-rosidl-runtime-cpp \
nativesdk-rosidl-typesupport-c \
nativesdk-rosidl-typesupport-cpp \
nativesdk-rosidl-typesupport-interface \
nativesdk-rosidl-typesupport-introspection-c \
nativesdk-rosidl-typesupport-introspection-cpp \
nativesdk-python3-numpy \
nativesdk-python3-catkin-pkg \
nativesdk-python3-empy \
nativesdk-python3 \
nativesdk-python3-pytest \
・bblayers.conf:I’m attaching meta-ros2-bbappend.
ROS_DISTRO = “foxy”
BBLAYERS += " ${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-ros-official/meta-ros2-foxy "
BBLAYERS += " ${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-ros-official/meta-ros2 "
BBLAYERS += " ${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-ros-official/meta-ros-common "
BBLAYERS += " ${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-ros-official/meta-python2 "
BBLAYERS += " ${BSPDIR}/build_ros/meta-ros2-bbappend "
Build the image and SDK with the above settings
For the steps following a successful build, this explanation assumes that the SDK is installed in ‘/opt/env-rsb3720-ros2foxy’. If you installed it in a different path, please replace this part of the path accordingly and proceed with the subsequent steps.
1. Add the following to /opt/env-rsb3720-ros2foxy/environment-setup-armv8a-poky-linux.
2. There are parts in the .cmake
files within the SDK that contain the path for the Docker environment used for building the SDK (/home/adv/adv-release-bsp/build_ros
). Replace all of these paths at once with the SDK installation path using the following command:
sudo find /opt/env-rsb3720-ros2foxy/sysroots/armv8a-poky-linux/ -type f -name "*.cmake" -exec sed -i 's|/home/adv/adv-release-bsp/build_ros/.*/usr/|/opt/env-rsb3720-ros2foxy/sysroots/armv8a-poky-linux/usr/|g' {} +
With these steps, the preparation for cross-compilation is complete. After that, simply use the source
command as usual to set up environment-setup-armv8a-poky-linux
3. When using ROS2 on rsb3720, the setup.bash
file is likely located at the following path, so set the environment variables using the source
source /etc/profile.d/ros/setup.bash
I have confirmed that ROS 2 is working by creating a simple test publisher and subscriber. However, other features have not been tested.