GPIO11 not working when "direction" is set to "in" on RSB-3810

Based on the procedure published on the following page: RSB-3810 user guide Ubuntu22.04 - ESS-WIKI

I set the direction of GPIO11 to “in” and connected it to Pin 1 (5V) of UIO2, as well as a GPIO pin with the direction set to “out” and value:1. However, the value of GPIO11 does not change.
(/sys/class/gpio/gpio323/value and /sys/class/gpio/gpio408/value)

As far as I have confirmed, the value changes normally when the direction is set to “in” for GPIO2, GPIO5, GPIO7, and GPIO9. I have set the direction to “out” for GPIO4, GPIO6, GPIO8, GPIO10, and GPIO12, so I have not checked their behavior when the direction is set to “in.”

I assume a similar issue may occur with GPIO12 when the direction is set to “in.” Is it the case that GPIO11 cannot be used when its direction is set to “in”?

Best regards

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Have you tried to set the gpio 345 to high before testing gpio #11 and #12?

Best Regards,

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Hi, Thank you for your reply.
But, it’s difficult to find the part where it’s explained. This specification does not depend on UIO-4030.


The UIO2 UIO_GPIO12_LS is share pin with GPIO_SCL/SDA and UIO_GPIO11/12. So, it needs the UIO_ID_SW pin to control which pin will use. It can check the switch “L → 1D” and “H -->2D”. For using the UIO_GPIO11/12, it needs to set the UIO_ID_SW to “H -->2D”.

The UIO_ID_SW is output from the PCA6416 I2C/GPIO expander. So, it needs to set this GPIO to high before using the GPIO11/12.

The UIO_ID_SW is equal to gpio-345 in Linux user space: